Based in our family yarn shop (, this is a place for me, my colleagues, customers and friends to share their knitting and other handicraft work with the world.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Rodarte Spring 2008 knits.
Sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy came from California to NYC in 2005 and started their fashion brand Rodarte, named after their mother's maiden name. They have been very successful in the fashion business. I wanted to show you that they are doing really cool knits for spring 2008. For more info and fashion show video: (btw I love the shoes too lol)
Hello, my name is Jelle!
Hello everyone, I am Jelle and I live next-door to Wilbert and Christopher. My grandmother bought some really comfy soft yarn (Scheepjes Softfun) at Wilbert's Yarnshop and knitted this modern sweater-vest for me! So this Christmas I looked totally cool and dressed up for the occasion!
Friday, December 21, 2007
My New York City visit. (Dutch spoken video)
Before spending Christmas in Boston, we spent some time in NYC. I visited some fabric, trimmings and yarnshops. Have a look! The quality of the video is not super good because I shot it with my Nokia N93. I especially liked the yarn shop Purl in Soho that is featured in this video and was recommended by my american cousin and fellow knitter Key, thanks Key!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hello! We are Silke and Tessa!
Hello from Hoogkarspel, Holland! Our proud grandmother, Mrs. Joke Verus, got some colourful yarns from and knitted these scarves and hats for us twin girls! Don't we look great in them?
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Linda's Point 5 scarf.
This is Linda. She came in our shop some weeks ago with her grandmother to buy some yarn. Her grandmother was going to knit her a scarf! What a very special thing that is. She chose 4 skeins of Colinette Point 5 in the sahara colour setting and it looks really cool! (and warm) It is made in moss stitch on 15 mm needles. On the picture Linda is standing next to the yarn used. Thank you for showing it to us Linda!
Marieke's Colinette Point 5 Scarf
Marieke loves Colinette Point 5. She has made several scarves from this fabulous yarn and she came in to show this one in the turqoise colour setting. Isn't it COOL!!! She used 5 skeins on 12 mm needles, and made a hole in the middle that is really practical for wearing it. She teaches English so I hope my grammar and spelling are ok...Thank you for showing, Marieke!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Crochet Art from Helma van Kleinwee.
These are two creations from artist Helma van Kleinwee. She comes into my shop regularly and I asked her for some pictures of her art to present here. They are crocheted from various yarns, but her primary yarn is a basic cotton that after crocheting is painted and hardened into figures. The top creation is called "Damesorkest", which translates as "A ladies orchestra".The bottom creation is called "Meidengeheim", which is all about secrets that girls have among themselves.
Helma van Kleinwee has been creative all her life. Painter, color advisor, interior decorator and stylist. Her motto is "Do what you feel". She thinks it is important to feel warmth and energy during painting. She shapes her emotions into figures and colors. Nothing calculated. She would paint a Tuscany landscape in Holland. Painting on the wings of intuition. She strives for harmony and balance.
"Working towards matter, seeing and feeling structures.
Intense colors and emotions. Observing the world and myself.The sub conscious plays an important role.
Asking questions. Making choices. A quest for ones own truth.
Doing what you feel, to obtain the freedom that is needed to get to the place you want to be".
For more information:
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Festive bobbin lace Christmas ornament
Made by one of our valued customers, Mrs. Willy van Rietschoten, this is a Christmas ornament decorated with a bobbin lace border made with DMC gold yarn. It's a unique and chic creation for the Christmas tree!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Micro Knitting.
Mrs Alkemade also knits small things...The smallest dress is just 2 cm high. Small. Smaller, smallest!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Annie in Noro SiIk Garden Light
Annie took up knitting again, she started with not just any kind of yarn.... She bought 9 balls of Noro Silk Garden Light and made this fabulous piece. (in just 1 week!) She volunteered for a picture and I think it looks great!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Knitting in a small way...
Mrs. Marijke van Vuuren knits. On 0,8 mm needles that is... The tape measure shows centimeters to show you how small they actually are! These dolls are made from rubber, she told me it takes half an hour to get them dressed. When you actually see them for real the size just awes you. You can see and buy this lady's fine work at most doll fairs in The Netherlands.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Het leek me leuk om het engelstalige gedicht dat wordt voorgelezen in mijn video-entry van 4 november 2007 te vertalen. Ik het het vertaald en met zeer deskundige en bevlogen hulp van Dhr. Feenstra uit Hoorn luidt het gedicht nu als volgt:
Terwijl mijn vingers iedere steek tellen en koesteren, worden ze een hartslag, een veiligheid en een ritmisch welzijn.
Toer na toer, ontkom ik steeds minder aan meditatie. Mijn reis geleid door het ritme van de naalden, het weefraam, het spinnewiel.
Iedere centimeter weefsel is mijn getuigenis.
Steek voor steek verweef ik mijn ziel met het breisel.
Ik sluit mij aan bij een eeuwenlange rij van mensen, wier verhaal wordt verteld door de weefsels van de tijd:
De mensen uit de oudheid, die kostbare vezels door hun haar vlochten;
De vroege egyptische wevers, wier fijnlinnen windsels de farao’s op hun laatste reis beveiligden;
De vroegste zeevaarders, wier doelmatige knopen nu mijn truien verfraaien.
Doorgegeven aan toekomstige generaties, zullen onze levens-steken stand houden!
Terwijl mijn vingers iedere steek tellen en koesteren, worden ze een hartslag, een veiligheid en een ritmisch welzijn.
Toer na toer, ontkom ik steeds minder aan meditatie. Mijn reis geleid door het ritme van de naalden, het weefraam, het spinnewiel.
Iedere centimeter weefsel is mijn getuigenis.
Steek voor steek verweef ik mijn ziel met het breisel.
Ik sluit mij aan bij een eeuwenlange rij van mensen, wier verhaal wordt verteld door de weefsels van de tijd:
De mensen uit de oudheid, die kostbare vezels door hun haar vlochten;
De vroege egyptische wevers, wier fijnlinnen windsels de farao’s op hun laatste reis beveiligden;
De vroegste zeevaarders, wier doelmatige knopen nu mijn truien verfraaien.
Doorgegeven aan toekomstige generaties, zullen onze levens-steken stand houden!
Knitting poem.
People have asked me to write down the beautiful poem that is read in my video blog entry from youtube, november 4th 2007. Please let me know if you know of the direct source of this poem.
Knitting poem.
As my fingers count and caress each stitch, they become a heartbeat, a safeguard and a rhythm of comfort.
Row after row, I am walled into meditation. My journey guided by the rhythm of the needles, the rhythm of the loom, the rhythm of the spinning wheel.
Each inch of fabric is my testimony. Stitch by stitch I incorporate my soul into the fabric.
I join a long strand of humanity, whose story is told through the textiles of time:
The ancients who braided precious fibres into their hair.
Early Egyptian weavers, whose delicate linen wrappings secured the final journey of the pharaohs.
The earliest mariners, whose purposeful knots now add beauty to my sweaters.
Past to future generations, our stitches of life will endure.
Knitting poem.
As my fingers count and caress each stitch, they become a heartbeat, a safeguard and a rhythm of comfort.
Row after row, I am walled into meditation. My journey guided by the rhythm of the needles, the rhythm of the loom, the rhythm of the spinning wheel.
Each inch of fabric is my testimony. Stitch by stitch I incorporate my soul into the fabric.
I join a long strand of humanity, whose story is told through the textiles of time:
The ancients who braided precious fibres into their hair.
Early Egyptian weavers, whose delicate linen wrappings secured the final journey of the pharaohs.
The earliest mariners, whose purposeful knots now add beauty to my sweaters.
Past to future generations, our stitches of life will endure.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Yarn art in steel.
This steel frame is normally used in Holland to strengthen concrete with but one of our very creative customers, mrs. Miedema, turned it into this piece of art! I think it looks really nice and kind of japanese. What an eclectic mix of techniques and yarns...Fantastic!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
We are going to start with a new brand (for us). ROWAN! We are starting with 21 colours of Pure Wool DK and 15 colours of Kid Silk Haze, I hope to get them in soon! Have you ever seen our shop website?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New Colinette Jitterbug Colours have arrived.
Today we unpacked these gorgeous Jitterbug colours, the Colinette sockyarn. ( or any project yarn) The colours are so inspiring amd this yarn feels sooo good!
Colinette POINT 5 for your baby...
I HAD to try this Baby cardigan with Colinette Point 5 in the popsicle coloursetting. I think it turned out very cute! ( and i learned some new techniques during this project...) I took a Colinette pattern but changed it here and there.
Colinette Leftovers Bag
I like to have fun with leftovers and mix them up in a crazy though stylish way. (I try) I did this on a 15 mm crochet hook and took 4-5 threads together aand added a nomotta furry yarn on the side.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Teun and Joost present...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
We knitted 4 soulful celebs!
About 2 years ago we accepted an order from Dutch fashion designer Edgar Stuurman to knit 2 "seventies style" cardigans that he had designed. They were to be worn in a soul music spectacle called "Big Black and Beautiful": Three FABULOUS ladies singing all those well known soul hits, in theatres all over Holland! Also appearing was a Dutch actor called Hajo Bruins and he was to wear these cardigans. I was very proud we got this assignment and even more proud to show the final result!
(Thanx for the Photo, Rocq-e !!) For more info on this show see

Actor Hajo Bruins wearing Gedifra Gigante yarn, knitted by
(Thanx for the Photo, Rocq-e !!) For more info on this show see

Actor Hajo Bruins wearing Gedifra Gigante yarn, knitted by
Friday, September 21, 2007
José's Noro Creation.
José is one of our regular and fabulous customers. She took a Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Noro pattern with Silk Garden and Iro and transformed it into this beautiful creation using two colours of Kureyon. I think it is a piece of art!
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